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Parking Permit Contact
Did you miss our recent Webinar about Electric Vehicles, see below a link to a recording:
Access Passcode: l$kKc1zQ
If you have a Primary Medical Certificate and are part of the Disabled Drivers & Passengers Tax Relief scheme you are exempt from paying toll charges. Visit https://dtes.ie/ to find out how to apply.
EV Charging Accessibility: How Ireland Is Failing Disabled Drivers
The 2016 Irish Census reported that a total of 643,131 people living in the Republic have a disability – that’s around 13.5% of the total population.
Of those people reporting a disability, difficulty with basic physical tasks (41.1%) and issues including chronic pain, breathing difficulties and chronic illness (46.2%) ranked amongst the most common issues.
Read the full article here: https://www.irishevs.com/ev-charging-accessibility-failing-disabled-drivers
To help drivers find Accessible Parking Bays Dublin City Council plans to trial some new tech:
Catherine Murphy, TD - To ask the Minister for Finance the current requirements to qualify for a primary medical certificate; if he plans changes to the current criteria; if so, the details of those changes; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Please click this link to take the survey: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/yq5W41gFFd
ZEVI is developing an accessibility and universal design guidance document for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) in Ireland. This document will look at accessibility requirements across: the design, the site and the information provision of EV charging in Ireland.
This is a short survey developed by Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI), a dedicated Office supporting consumers, the public sector, and businesses to continue to make the switch to zero emission vehicles.
Did you miss our recent webinar about Disabled Driver Vehicle Adaptations, if you did see below a link to a recording of the presentation:
Meeting Recording: https://bit.ly/3qBGVrI